Better Form Design in Jira (Kindle)

[Kindle, color version] ThinkTilt and Rachel Wright, author of the Jira Strategy Admin Workbook, proudly announce our next collaboration “Better Form Design in Jira“. This 57 page book helps you convert paper forms to Jira, choose the right field types, and create efficient forms and screens in Jira and Jira Service Desk.

Get the print or Kindle version from Amazon. Or, switch to the digital version.

Topics include:

  • Form Design Matters
  • Layout and Flow: User-Friendly Forms in Jira
  • Good Form Questions Part 1: Open Questions
  • Good Form Questions Part 2: Choice and Conditional Logic
  • Things to Think About When Converting Forms to Jira
  • Efficient Jira Screens and Jira Service Desk Forms
  • Tips for Creating Good Jira Forms and Screens

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    Better Form Design in Jira (Kindle)Better Form Design in Jira (Kindle)