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Learn more about the JIRA Strategy Admin Workbook below.  For additional information, please contact

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Rachel Wright or 443-317-3279
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Rachel Wright is available for speaking engagements, interviews, and appearances. She is also happy to speak to groups via telephone or web conference.

Book Information

JIRA Strategy Admin Workbook

Title: JIRA Strategy Admin Workbook
Sub title: Templates for the application administrator to set up, clean up, and maintain JIRA
Author: Rachel Wright
Publisher: Industry Templates, LLC
Date of Publication: November 30, 2016
Retail Price: $59.99 USD (Print Version)
ISBN-13: 978-1539090229
ISBN-10: 1539090221
Pages: 295

Download the worksheets, templates & companion materials for this book from the Strategy for Jira store at:


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