
Are you new to Atlassian?  We help new Atlassian customers evaluate, compare, and set up applications.

Are you a long time Atlassian customer?  Need help making sense of the configuration, cleaning it up, maximizing its capabilities, or performing maintenance?  We help existing Atlassian customers manage their software too.


We help with strategy, process, implementation, clean up, and maintenance for Jira, Jira Service Desk, and Confluence.  We offer guided strategy sessions or quick hourly consultations.
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Admin Support and Maintenance

We assist your administrator (or serve as your administrator) with dedicated support hours each week.
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Assessment & Audit

What’s not quite right?  Is your application’s configuration frustrating your users or hindering adoption?  Is your process lengthy, archaic, or not meeting the needs of the company?  We’ll uncover configuration and process issues and help you improve them.
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Our implementation process helps you get up and running quickly with a strategy focused on long term application health and success. 
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Strategy Sessions

Know what you need but not how to implement it?  Not sure what you need?  Our guided strategy sessions clarify your needs, uncover impactful changes, and create a roadmap to implement your vision.
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Hourly Consulting

Need some quick help, a demo, or have a few questions? Book one or more hours and use them any way you’d like!
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Need to grow your own skills or teach your users?  We offer custom, live, training delivered remotely or on-site at your location.
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We also offer recorded training.  Our 30-minute, online, skill or topic-based training gets application admins up to speed fast.  Our intro courses help new Jira, Jira Service Desk, and Confluence users feel comfortable with the applications.   See the course list, teach your entire staff with company-wide training, or get a discount with training packages.

Speaking & Appearances

Need a speaker for your event?  Rachel Wright delivers presentations and training workshops for IT conferences and professional organizations all over the world.
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The Strategy for Jira store is full of resources, books, worksheets, templates, and training to help Jira, Jira Service Desk, and Confluence users get the most from the applications.


Jira Strategy Admin Workbook

The Jira Strategy Admin Workbook will save you time, money and frustration.  This book is different – it’s not documentation. Get the digital copy here, or the print and Kindle version on Amazon.

Effective Jira Administration

This 64 page book helps you bring the benefits of Jira to more teams in your organization.  Get the digital copy here, or the print and Kindle version on Amazon.

Battling Jira Custom Field Bloat

This 35 page book helps you audit, delete, reduce, and manage your Jira custom fields.  Get the digital copy here, or the print and Kindle version on Amazon.

Worksheets & Templates

Visit the Strategy for Jira store for over 60 worksheets, templates, and wording samples to help you plan and maintain Jira, Jira Service Desk, and Confluence.  Many of the Jira worksheets are free with purchase of the Jira Strategy Admin Workbook.
See worksheets

Training Courses

Our library of online courses and presentations is continually growing!   Jira admins can hear mistakes to avoid, learn how to build custom workflows for business teams, and clean up their application’s custom fields.  New users can take our Intro to Jira, Intro to Jira Service Desk, and Intro to Confluence courses, to get comfortable with these applications immediately.
View courses

Have Atlassian questions?  Need help managing your applications?  Get help

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