Training Your Jira, Jira Service Desk & Confluence Users

The job of an Atlassian administrator is never done. Your list of responsibilities is endless. You’re making sure your applications are up and running so work can get done. You’re weighing the benefits and long-term impacts of customization and add-on requests. You’re assisting users with access, permissions, and restrictions. You’re helping teams get the most out of the applications. And some of you are doing all of this while performing other tasks or managing other software. With all the demands on an Atlassian administrator, where does user training fall on your to do list? If you’re like most admins, it’s probably at the very bottom.

You know your users and even your fellow admins need training, but until now, available options have been limited. Traditionally, everyone stops work, piles into a conference room, and sits through a day long seminar. The instructor crams as much information as possible into the time available and attendees try to keep up. Inevitably, someone misses the session or is called away for an emergency. When new users join the company, they have to wait weeks or months for the next round of training. And there’s no good way to track who completed what. Sound familiar?

Or maybe you’ve tried to develop your own training materials. You complied some documentation or made a few recordings. How did that go? These methods are expensive and time consuming. You need an easier way to train your application admins and your Jira, Jira Service Desk, and Confluence end users.

Our company-wide courses are the answer. Our 30-minute, online, skill or topic-based courses for Jira, Confluence, and Jira Service Desk are self-paced and convenient for everyone. All courses include video lessons, homework, and a quiz to test and reinforce understanding. There’s even a course completion certificate for your employee’s portfolio or resume!

Users can self-enroll, from a custom page branded for your organization, and leadership can view enrollment, progress, and completion stats at any time. It’s perfect for users in multiple locations, when teams can’t devote an entire day to training, or when users prefer to learn when and where they choose – like on the bus ride on their way to work.

We offer individual courses for small teams and company-wide training for all your employees. Want to add our courses to your existing Learning Management System (LMS)? Great – we offer licensed courses too.

Training Estimate
Please tell us about your training needs so we can recommend courses, presentations, and materials.
How can we help with your training needs?

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