Industry Templates Joins “Give With DreamHost!” #pledge1percent

What’s the first thing you did this morning?  Brushed your teeth?  Drank coffee?  Took a shower?  Whatever you did, you probably used water.  Many of us have no idea what it’s like to be thirsty.  We have plenty of water to drink and use in our daily lives.  That is not true everywhere in the world.

Rachel Wright, President of Industry Templates, LLC and author of the Jira Strategy Admin Workbook has made a donation to DreamHost‘s 20th birthday partnership with Charity:Water.   Rachel has hosted all her business projects with DreamHost since 2003 and continues to be a very happy customer.  DreamHost is matching up to $10,000 of donations until Dec 31, 2017.  Charity:Water helps build projects that provide clean drinking water to people in need worldwide.

Pledge 1% MemberIndustry Templates, LLC is a member of Pledge 1%, a corporate philanthropy movement dedicated to making the community a key stakeholder in every business.  As a proud member of this program,  we annually donate 1% of sales, product, and employee time to help the community.

Join the Give With DreamHost! campaign and help prevent diseases caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation.


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